Previously served on the Educational board for ALSO Asia Pacific
Previously served on the State Committee of RANZCOG South Australia
Reviewer for the Cochrane library
Coordinator for the Term breech trial.
Accredited operator for Nuchal translucency scan by the Fetal medicine foundation (FMF), UK.
Accredited Colposcopist by C-QUIP
Memberships/ Fellowships
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
MIGA (Medical Insurance Group Australia)
Australasian society of Ultrasound Medicine (ASUM)
Associate of Queensland Fertility Group (QFG)
Fertility Society of Australia (FSA)
European society of human reproduction and embryology (ESHRE)
Australian Gynaecologic Endoscopic society (AGES)
AMA (Australian Medical association)